Here's some dope info to help demystify and keep us aware of not only what we eat, but the importance of the seed used to grow it. Bad seed bears bad fruit. The importance of understanding the seed is due to understanding the benefits we get from the fruit that it bears. Check out this breakdown of seeds..and why it's important to know the difference.
1.) Heirloom Seeds: Seeds saved each year and passed down from one generation to the next. Heirloom seeds are open pollinated (pollinated by wind or insects, for example, the honey bee flying from one flower to the next). These seeds are rich in history, and more important, they bear fruit vegetables that have the needed nutrients and minerals we need for our bodies.
2.) Hybrid Seeds: produced when 2 different but related parent plants are cross pollinated. These are inbred plants artificially fertilized by humans.They yield bigger, brighter and faster growing fruit/vegetables, as well as the ability to be able to survive in conditions that their parents could not, which make them a great selling point. The foods are unnaturally high in sugar and lower in nutritional value. When you consume too much hybridized fruit sugar or sugar from seedless hybrid fruits such as bananas, grapes, oranges, pineapple, watermelon the excess sugar can over stimulate the endocrine system, cause constipation, and start the process of leeching essential minerals like calcium from the body. Common hybrid vegetables include beets, carrots, corn, tomatoes, and potatoes. The seeds may not grow at all or may grow and produce less desirable results. The seeds cannot be reused, which results in having to buy new seeds every year $$$. Many Many modern diseases came after man began playing with the natural order. of plant life.
3.) Open Pollinated Seeds: seeds that do not need human intervention to be pollinated since nature does this naturally with wind and insects.
4.) Organic Seeds: Seeds produced without the introduction of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, and other toxic chemicals harmful to the body. They do not use seeds that are GMO (genetically modified), so they are nutritious and taste great.
5.) Treated Seeds: Seeds that normally have an unnatural color to them due to being treated with chemical pesticides or fungicides to prevent mold.
6.) GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) Seeds: A seed made in a labe where researches take genetic DNA from one species and artificially inject into another unrelated species. The process is unnatural and creates a plant that looks normal, but the genes are not naturally derived or pollinated, so it is minus the benefits, minerals and nutrients that the natural plant would contain. Many of the illnesses suffered, such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, etc are promoted by the consumption of GMO foods. Instead of infusing our bodies with alkaline nutrients, they infuse our bodies with acidic elements. Bacteria and viruses do not like bodies with a higher alkaline nature.
7.) Wild Crafted Seeds: Seeds collected from plants growing naturally in the wild. They yield plants that are completely nature inspired.
Information helps us make informed decisions over making the best choices for ourselves and family. While we may not all or always be able to avoid everything that is not the best for our bodies, the more information you have, the better. Now...go, my Wise ones..make the best decisions for your mind, body and spirit.
Thank you soooo very much for all your love and knowledge for natural resources and the healing of Our healthy black hair.
Your products rock just like You and your beautiful family! #positiveblackrepresentation
~Diva T