Stress is one of the number one enemies to our health. It can aid in raising our blood pressure as well as aid in causing heart disease and stroke. Throughout our lives, we will all encounter a stressful situation or a stressful moment, however, the good news is, there’s always a way to kick stress to the curb.



 Turn It Off.. 

Photo credit Travel Noire

Because so many things can aid in causing stress, it’s imperative that we have some ‘turn it off moments’ those moments where we turn off the TV, Computer, Phone and any other distraction that may create a rise in our stress level.

Wake with intention

photo credit Pinterest

When waking in the morning, try rising a few minutes early to allow yourself time to think, pray, meditate, give thanks, reflect on something positive. In my periscope yesterday, I mentioned that in the mornings, I inhale my Calm Body Oil before applying over my skin. The ingredients allow me to reflect, meditate and give thanks in addition to having a sense of calm.

Don’t get so bent out of control over what you can’t control...  

Bottom line is, we can’t control everything.. and many times, we get bent out of shape over things we truly cannot control. Wanting to have control over every situation has more to do with ego than anything else, so lay low and don’t stress couldn’t control it anyhow. Instead, give thanks to the things that you can very much control, such as what you will and will not allow to stress you.

Work It On Out!  


Photo credit Pinterest

Exercise is super important. It releases endorphins which make us…happy! It also aids in getting circulation and blood flowing, aids in minimizing stress and makes us feel O’So sexy. So, even if it’s for 20-30 minutes, get your heart rate moving!

Music Is Food for the Soul! 

 photo credit Natty Naturals

Music has the capability to affect our soul..our mind, our body, our spirit. When you’re feeling stress, throw on some tunes that inspire a sense of peace, a sense of joy or a sense of laughter…no angry music that reminds us of what stressed us out in the first place.

Stop Arguing and Trolling social media!  

Arguing with people we’ve never met and possibly will never meet on social media is a stress giver in waiting. Bottom line, people say what they want and exude rude braveness behind the computer, so arguing with them is absolutely pointless. As Proverbs would say…’don’t cast your pearls before….’ We don’t know these people nor their issues and insecurities and everyone thinks they are right. And allowing all of your annoyances to show via social media is pointless. If people don’t like what you’re saying, who cares! They have every right to choose what they will or will not listen to…follow or will not follow and focusing on it only aids in stressing you and creating posts about what has annoyed you from something on social media, that a person you may or may not know is absurd. As Proverbs would say, ‘Only a fool allows his annoyances to be shown’ don’t have to express every single thing on your mind.

Clean up and Organize...

photo credit Natty Naturals

Oh boy! I can’t stress enough how a clean, clutter free environment truly helps clear the clutter from your mind and from your energy field. A clutter free, organized space truly allows your positive vibes and positive energy to flow freely.

Evaluate your personal circle... 

I have stressed this over and over..minimize the negative people in your life. It may be time for a clean sweep in your personal circle and negative people only aid in bringing you down and adding stress. If you can’t completely eliminate, minimize how much time you allow them to be around you and allowing yourself to be around them. If a person is not adding positively to your life then they may be taking away..negatively.

Get some Good eats.....

photo credit Natty Naturals

Studies show that consuming a diet of poor foods not only affect our health, our weight, but it also affects our mentality and moods. In the book ‘Wheat Belly’, the author mentions how the foods we eat actually have a major effect on our brains when they conducted a study of patients who were suffering from schizophrenia in a mental hospital. When they removed certain foods from the diet, it had a much more impactful affect than the heavy medications

Strategize Your Day!  

photo courtesy of Natty Naturals

When we plan out our day and have a strategic plan of action. Even if it takes making a to do list of what to do. This is best done the night before or early morning so you have enough time to actually plan out your day.

Shift your focus…


Focus on the positives..When we focus instead on things that we like or on the positives instead of the things that annoy us, we minimize the stress. Instead of focusing on the things that we don’t have, focus on the things that we do.. Recognize the blessings in your life so much that you don’t have time to focus on the things that you do not like or have.

Delegate tasks..

Delegating tasks is an awesome way to take stress loads off of you. If you are a manager at your job, or a business owner, delegate stressful tasks when your work load is too heavy. As parents, it's also a great practice to delegate tasks among our children. This life lesson is great and is best utilized as early as possible.

Take a Soothing Bath


photo courtesy of Pinterest

One of the best relievers of stress is to take a nice warm bath. Adding essential oils, bath salts and/or a bath tea are excellent ways to aid in further relieving stress. When we take a bath, our skin dilates which allows the nutrients from the salts, herbs and/or botanicals to enter into our bodies aiding in providing benefits to our mind, body and spirit. 


Take A Vacation

photo courtesy of Travel Noire

Traveling is not as expensive nor time consuming as you may think. Check out websites such as Travel Noire where they give amazing tips on how to travel to some of the best places that won't break your pockets. Sometimes, it takes taking a step back and being away from it all. You can always make moolah, but creating memories are priceless for mind, body and spirit.



photo courtesy of Natty Naturals

There's just something about being in the presence of nature. If you've got a balcony, deck or outdoor living space, utilize it! The natural essence from the earth will bring a sense of euphoric peace. Open a window, listen to the rain. Enjoy a glass of wine on the porch or deck. Whatever you decide, just be sure to enjoy the natural essence of nature. I absolute love lighting up our outdoor firepit and enjoying the soft sound of rustling leaves while sipping a tasty beverage and indulging in a great read. Try it!